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Frequently Asked Questions

Business Personal Property

At this time, online filing is not available to businesses. However, filings may be submitted via email to [email protected] or faxed to (816) 858-3314.

Yes. Assets can be listed on a separate spreadsheet and must be returned with the assessment form via email at [email protected]. If submitted in this format, account numbers and assessed values can be added to the spreadsheet and returned for your records. (Download Spreadsheet)

Please consult your contract or contact your leasing company for this information. In most cases, the owner of the equipment (the leasing company) will be responsible for filing and paying the taxes on the equipment/vehicles. If the leasing company will pay the taxes, list the equipment under Section 5: Leased Equipment. If you are responsible for the taxes, provide the actual cost of the equipment you own (not the amount you pay for the lease).

If you filed your assets on a separate spreadsheet, the Assessor's Office will return a copy with account numbers and assessed valued to you by email.

If you did not file with a separate spreadsheet, include your email address on the form and a Property Report will be sent to you for review. Property Reports will show ONLY totals by year and recovery period for each Platte County Tax District. A detailed listing of assessed value by asset cannot be provided if no spreadsheet is rendered.

PLEASE NOTE: Multiple people within an organization may require access to the assessment information. For instance, one department may be responsible for filing the information with the Assessor and another department may be responsible for payment of the tax bills. Please provide email addresses for each individual needing a copy, or distribute the information to others within your organization, especially those settling bills at the end of each year.

Refer to the Platte County Zip Code Guide to ensure you file your assets in the correct county. If you have reviewed the list and are still unsure, please call our office at (816) 858-3312.

All filings are due to the Assessor's Office March 1, 2014, unless an extension is granted. Extensions must be requested prior to March 1, 2014, and will only be granted until April 1, 2014. In order to ensure accurate and timely filing, businesses are required to use the official Platte County Business Personal Property Assessment Form and must be completed with a contact name, email and phone number. (Download Extension Request Form)

Only original costs should be listed. NO ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO FILE ASSESSED OR DEPRECIATED VALUES; this will be determined by the Assessor's Office. Please review the Assessment form for a breakdown of the depreciation schedule. Retain a copy for your records and forward to others in your organization responsible for settlement of bills.

Yes. Indicate on the Business Personal Property Assessment form the status (closed or sold) of your business and include the date the status change took place. Please include the name of the buyer, if sold, then sign and return to the Assessor's Office.

Yes. All businesses must file each year. The Assessment form will list all previously filed business assets. If the items listed are exactly the same as last year and no new assets were purchased or owned on January 1, 2014, check the "NO CHANGES" box, complete Section 4, sign and return by March 1, 2014.

If you have an existing account and need to change the mailing or physical address for that account, please indicate the change(s) on the Assessment form. Changes in physical address (physical location of the property owned) should include the date the change took effect. You can also use the Change of Address form to submit your address change anytime during the year.

Yes. A business does not have to be opened for its taxable personal property to be subject to assessment. Any taxable business personal property (such as furniture, equipment and supplies) that was in the owner's possession on January 1 is subject to assessment.

Yes. The law specifies that all taxable personal property must be assessed as of January 1 (regardless of what transpires after that date). Even if the business closed shortly after January 1, a business must still file any personal property owned on January 1 of the current year.

The majority of business personal property will be filed in either the "5-Year Recovery Period" or the "7-Year Recovery Period." Please consult the breakdown and explanation in Section 4 on the Assessment form. If you own equipment not listed there, or are unsure of which classification to use, please call our office at (816) 858-3312. PLEASE NOTE: Very few businesses have equipment which lies in the "3-Year Recovery Period" classification. If you believe you have equipment in this category, please call our office to verify this before filing, or submit a detailed description of the property with your rendition.

Unless prior permission has been granted, or if you are filing for multiple locations of the same business entity, you must complete and return the original Business Personal Property Assessment form. Forms marked See Attached are not acceptable. Class schedule information is provided on the form as a tool. Most assets, not all, (other than vehicle types) should be included in the 5- or 7-year class. You may, of course, attach back-up documentation, and where not enough space is provided (for multiple vehicles, heavy equipment, etc.), you may send separate sheets to list such assets.

If you need a new or additional account set up, please email the following information to [email protected] or call our office at (816) 858-3312: 

  • Mailing address 
  • Physical address of the property 
  • Date the business opened or the date the property entered Platte County

Business Personal Property is any tangible property owned, claimed, used, possessed, managed or controlled in the conduct of a trade or business. This includes all machinery, fixtures, office furniture and equipment. In general, business personal property is all property owned or leased by a business except business inventory, intangible assets or application software.

Supplies are consumables (pens, napkins, hangers, paper, cleaning products, etc.). Do NOT include inventory intended for re-sale.

Unlike real property, business personal property is appraised annually.

Juvenile programs adoption

The best place to start is the county where your adoptive parents were residing during your adoption. Contact the juvenile court or the family court in that county. Also, contact the county located on your birth certificate.

You apply to the court that finalized the adoption. There are 45 circuits in Missouri. Generally, the circuit is where the birth occurred or where the adoptive parents were residing at the time of adoption.

Only upon written consent of the adult sibling can a court order such disclosure.

No, copies of amended birth certificates are held at the Missouri Department of Vital Records.

Moving to Platte County From Another Missouri County

You have 30 days to obtain Missouri license plates and a Missouri driver's license.

You will need the title or registration to the vehicle, proof of insurance, a Missouri State Inspection Certificate, and a validated tax receipt from the Platte County Collector's office or a non-assessment clearance from the Platte County Assessor's office.

If you are a new resident, or have moved, you need to contact the Platte County Assessor's office so that an assessment sheet may be mailed to you. You must request this sheet before March 1 to avoid a penalty.

You will need the title or registration to the vehicle, proof of insurance, a Missouri State Inspection Certificate, and a copy of the tax receipt showing paid taxes from the county where you were a resident on January 1 of the previous year.

You can pay sales tax at any license bureau in the state of Missouri.

Personal Property

Yes. Any vehicle titled in your name must be claimed regardless of condition.

No, the assessor only values property.

If you have taxable personal property in Platte County, you are required to report it to the Platte County Assessor. This is done by using the Personal Property Assessment form sent out by the Assessor's Office at the beginning of each year. The form lists the personal property you reported the previous year. It is your responsibility to return the form to the Assessor's Office by March 1 with any corrections and a list of any new personal property you owned on January 1.

Active duty military applicants whose home of record is NOT Missouri are eligible for a tax waiver. To obtain a tax waiver, you must present your current Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), which indicates Missouri is NOT your home of record.

Yes. By state law, your tax obligation is established on January 1. Even if you move to a different state the next day, you are still responsible for the taxes on any personal property owned in Platte County on January 1. Unfortunately, the law makes no provision for prorating the tax bill.

If you moved prior to January 1 of this year and your mail was forwarded, please update the Personal Property Assessment form with your new residence and the date you moved from Platte County. Sign and return the form to the Assessor's Office by March 1. If you moved after the 1st of January of this year, you are still responsible for the taxes on any personal property owned in Platte County on January 1. Under state law, there is no provision for prorating taxes for the partial year.

If you moved to Platte County on or before January 1 of this year, please notify the Assessor's Office to file your Personal Property Assessment form for the previous year. If you moved to the county after January 1 this year, please submit your new address to the Assessor's Office using the online Change of Address form.

If you bought your car after January 1 of this year, use last year's receipt. Property taxes are not owed on the new vehicle unless you owned it on January 1. If you did own the vehicle on January 1 of the previous year and it is not listed or is incorrect on your receipt or statement, please contact the Assessor's Office.

APPEAL STEPS: 1. Informal Hearing: If you feel the value of your personal property is incorrect, call the Platte County Assessor's office at 816-858-3310. 2. State Tax Commission: Under State Tax Commission rule 12 CSR 30-3.010(1)(B), if the assessment is an initial assessment or an increase over a previous assessment and the assessor failed to notify the taxpayer of the assessment in time to appeal to the board of equalization (BOE), then the taxpayer may file an appeal directly with the State Tax Commission no later than December 31st or within 30 days after the county mailed the tax statement, whichever date is later. Because STC notice to the collector may not arrive until after the taxpayer pays the taxes, the taxpayer should provide the collector a protest letter when paying the taxes.

If you do not receive an assessment form, please contact the Platte County Assessor's Office at (816) 858-3303 and a form will be provided to you.

The tax statement you receive in November will be incorrect. You will need to contact our office as soon as possible so we can make the appropriate changes as soon as possible.

A tax waiver indicates you do not owe any personal property taxes for a specified tax year. (View Tax Waiver Eligibility)

Assessment is the process of placing a value on property for the purpose of property taxation.

According to Missouri State Statute 137.075, "Persons owning or holding tangible personal property on the first day of January shall be liable for taxes." Personal property includes all motor vehicles, above ground pools, trailers, boats, boat motors, mobile homes, aircraft, farm machinery, livestock and grain, and boat docks.

Personal property is assessed every year and is calculated using original cost and then applying depreciation tables. Taxpayers are required by Missouri law to file their personal property after January 1 and before March 1. Personal Property Type % of Market Value Grain1/2 of 1% Livestock12% Farm Machinery12% Manufactured Homes19% Historic Aircraft & Vehicles5% Motor Vehicles33 1/3% All Other Personal Property33 1/3%

Personal Property Assessment forms are mailed out the first week of January and are due to the Assessor's Office no later than March 1 to avoid late filing fees. For your convenience, you can file your assessment online at Simply enter the PIN number located on the front of your form to get started.

The Platte County Collector mails tax bills each November. Personal property tax must be paid by December 31 to avoid late payment fees. If you have questions about your property tax bill, please contact the Platte County Collector's Office at (816) 858-3356.

There are two places in Platte County where you can purchase your license tag, but you can get your tag at any license bureau in the state of Missouri. Here are the two locations in Platte County: 


6400 North Cosby Avenue 

Parkville, MO 64151 

(816) 584-8651 

Office Hours 

M-F: 8:30 - 6:00 

SAT: 8:30 - 12:30 

Platte City License Bureau

1211 Branch Street 

Platte City, MO 64079

(816) 858-5711 

Office Hours 

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00 

Sat: 8:30 - 12:00

You will need your two previous year's personal property tax receipts. If you were assessed in another Missouri county, you may need to contact that county for a previous year receipt. If you cannot locate your tax receipt for the appropriate year, please call the Platte County Collector's Office at (816) 858-3356 or visit the Platte County Collector's website.

Anyone who owns tangible personal property on January 1 must file a personal property assessment list with the Assessor's Office.

You are taxed based on vehicles owned on January 1 of the tax year. Even if you no longer own the vehicles, and now own different vehicles or don't own any vehicles, you still pay taxes based on what you owned on the first day of the year.

Platte County Assessor's Office

No, the assessor only values property.

Business Personal Property Assessment forms are mailed out the first week of January and are due to the Assessor's Office no later than March 1 to avoid late filing fees.

Platte County Juvenile Office

Yes, you could be charged with conspiracy to commit the crime.

NOTHING! Eight (8) hours of mediation services will be provided free of charge within 90 days of your referral to the program. Additional mediation services may be negotiated between the parents and the mediator. Additional cost to be paid by the parents.

No, there is no bail in the Missouri juvenile justice system if you are detained. Once you are placed in detention, a hearing will be held within 3 days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays or holidays). The judge will then determine whether you should continue in detention in a locked facility or if you can be released to your parents/guardian/or custodian pending the hearing on the Petition.

Some people can be straightforward with their friends and tell them that this is wrong and they can just walk away. But even for many adults this is hard to do. One suggestion is to have a plan before you go out with friends. This could include acting as if you suddenly became sick; or you could have a code word with your parents that you use when you call or text home then your parents can be the “bad guy” and call you to come home immediately. Peer pressure is hard to deal with but it is you that is responsible for the choices you make.

• Seriousness of the offense
• Any previous referrals or law violations
• Your attitude
• Your school records - - including grades and behavior
• Any problems at home and the help that your family will give
• The type of friends you have

The potential benefits are:

  • Enhances relationships
  • Parents & Teenagers are the decision makers
  • Authority and power remain within the family
  • Reduces potential for formal court intervention

It depends upon the classification of the alleged offense and any past referrals you may have had to the Juvenile Office. Law enforcement notifies the juvenile officer who will review the evidence of the offense and any past referrals to the Juvenile Office. Your parents/guardian/or custodian will be notified and it will be determined whether you can safely return to the community in the custody of your parents pending further action by the Juvenile Officer or whether you should be detained.

Bullying is a form of abuse, harassment, violence and/or manipulation that harms or frightens another youth. Bullying can be in the form of punching, shoving or other physical acts of harm; spreading bad rumors about a person; keeping certain people out of a “group”; teasing others in a mean way; or even through cyber bullying which can include sending mean texts, emails or instant messages through the internet, mobile phones or other technologies. It can also be in the form of one person doing the bullying or it can be several people.

For additional information on bullying and what you can do the following websites have additional information:

It is very similar to adult jail. When you are taken to detention, you will be searched for any contraband, showered and de-loused (being rid of any lice whether you may have any or not) and then you will be issued the designated orange detention clothing. You do not even wear your own underwear in detention. Make-up, hair styling products, etc. are not allowed. Your “room” is a cell which contains a concrete bunk with a mattress, small sink and toilet. You will do school work while in detention. Your schedule is set by the detention facility. There is no TV or radio. You may only have contact with your parents, attorney and juvenile officer while in detention.

Mediation is an opportunity for parents and adolescents in conflict to meet with an impartial third party who will facilitate communication and assist in reaching an agreement.

Under Missouri law when you are considered an adult and when you are considered a minor or juvenile varies with the circumstance. Examples.

Families with teenagers between the ages of 12 - 17.

Platte County Recorder's Office

If it is platted property you can look at the recorded plat. If that does not provide the information you need you must search the indexes. The Recorder’s Office does not maintain separate indexes for easements.

The selling price of real estate is not required on recorded documents.

The Recorder of Deeds Office is prohibited by law from conducting lien searches. Our office is responsible only to record documents that meet statutory recording requirements. Our records are open to the public so you may search the indexes yourself. However, please remember the Recorder’s Office is not the only office where real estate liens are filed.

To make changes to ownership of property a new document must be prepared. You may want to contact an attorney to assist you in preparing a new document. The Recorder’s Office does not prepare documents.

Documents received before 4:00 pm are recorded the day of receipt and the original, recorded document is returned the next day. A copy is retained in the Recorder’s Office for public viewing and preservation.

All fees collected by the Recorder’s Office are deposited daily in the County Treasurer’s Office. At the end of each month a report is submitted by the Recorder’s Office for statutory allocations of the various funds mandated by law.

Real Property

Current tax year Maps and ArcGIS data of Platte County can be purchased through the Assessor's office in Platte City, or accessed online through the GIS Portal.

The assessed value of your property is used to determine your portion of real estate taxes paid to support local school and government services. It is important to you and to our office that your assessed valuation is accurate.

The amount of real estate taxes paid in Platte County is determined by tax levies set by local taxing authorities such as school, fire, library, hospital, and road districts, along with city and county taxing authorities. This is why it is important to be aware of any proposed changes in spending by your local schools or governments.

Over time market value often changes even if no improvements are made to the property. Many people sell their homes for much more than they paid for them years earlier with no more than basic maintenance on the property. Missouri Statutes require that property be periodically reassessed to maintain realistic market values and treat all taxpayers fairly.

If you disagree with your property's valuation during any tax year, you may appeal by following these steps:

1. Informal Hearings: call or meet with an Appraiser prior to June 1. Please be prepared with documentation as evidence of the value you believe to be accurate, including information such as pictures, a recent sale of your property, or an appraisal of your property.

2. Board of Equalization: if you disagree with the Appraiser, you can appeal to the Platte County Board of Equalization (BOE). Appeal forms are available at the Assessor's Office and must be completed and returned to the Assessor's Office BEFORE the third Monday in June. The BOE will hear your evidence of property value during a scheduled hearing in July.

3. State Tax Commission: You have the right to appeal to the State Tax Commission by September 30 or within 30 days after the Board of Equalization makes a final decision on your appeal, whichever date is later.

A tax levy is a number determined by a taxing authority such as a school district used in calculating, from the assessed value, the amount owed to that taxing authority for that tax year. As government services and costs increase, levies and taxes have to be raised to pay for these services.

Assessment is the process of placing a value on property for the purpose of property taxation. Real property is reassessed every odd year to ensure that the taxpayer is being taxed fairly, and is taxed the same as other comparable property.

Market value is the price a willing buyer will pay a willing seller for property in its present condition. This process is continual due to ever-changing market conditions.

Real property includes land, improvements to the land and all rights inherent in ownership. When you receive an assessment notice or tax bill for your house, you will notice that land and improvements are listed separately. Improvements consist of any buildings located on that land (e.g. your house). This has nothing to do with improvements (e.g. rehabilitation, renovation or repairs) you have or have not made to your property.

Missouri Revised Statute 137.115 requires that the Assessor reassess all real property every two years on January 1, in the odd numbered year. Real property is assessed into three categories with separate rates and is calculated as a percentage of market value. Assessed values are carried forward to the even numbered years except for new construction and property improvements. 

Real Property% of Market Value

As an example, a residence with a market value of $50,000 would be assessed at 19% which would place its assessed value at $9,500.

The Platte County Collector mails tax bills each November. Real estate property tax must be paid by December 31 to avoid late payment fees. If you have questions about your property tax bill, please contact the Platte County Collector's Office at (816) 858-3356.

If the Assessor proposes to increase the assessment of real property, the assessor shall, on or before the fifteenth day of June, provide a notice of the projected increase to the person owning the affected property. The notice will be sent by US Postal Service mail to the last known address of the property owner.

All values are likely to change, but not all will change to the same extent. Market values increase more in some neighborhoods than in others. A major purpose of reassessment is to make sure that the new values reflect all changes that have occurred.

Senior Citizens' Property Tax Freeze

Yes. The tax credit is only offered to qualifying taxpayers who submit an application to Platte County. Applications for the first year will be accepted from September 3, 2024 through May 15, 2025.

Paper copies of the application are available at 415 Third St, Platte City MO 64079 in the Platte County Clerk's Office.

The application is also available online at

Taxpayers must apply for the Senior Citizen Tax Credit each year.

Taxpayers must apply for the Senior Citizen Tax Credit each year. Applications for the first year will be accepted from September 3, 2024 through May 15, 2025. Thereafter applications will be accepted annually from October 1 through December 31, beginning in 2025.

Platte County has limited resources to notify applications of the application status or approval. Applicants will not receive any formal notification other than the statement of taxes due indicating the tax credit. Applicants may contact the Platte County Clerk at 415 Third St, Platte City MO 64079, or by telephone at 816-827-4075 or send an email to [email protected] to confirm that their application was received or to check the status.

The tax credit amount will be listed on the statement of tax due for the applicable tax year. This will be sent by the Platte County Collector of Revenue in November.

For improvements or additions made to a homestead of an eligible taxpayer prior to 2024, the tax credit amount will be calculated on the homestead including any improvements or additions previously made.

For improvements or additions made to a homestead of an eligible taxpayer after 2024, the tax credit amount will be calculated on the homestead but excluding the tax liability associated with improvements or additions subsequently made. Said another way, if improvements or additions are made to the homestead of an eligible taxpayer after they become eligible for the tax credit, any tax increase relating to the improvement or addition to the homestead will not be included when calculating the tax credit amount.

The application requires your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and date of birth. You will also need to supply the Parcel Identification Number for your home residence (available on the Platte County Assessor's website). There are a number of questions a taxpayer will need to answer to determine eligibility for the tax credit. Finally, you will need to submit proof of residency, for example, a voter registration card, driver license, utility bill, or mortgage statement. Platte County will consider other reasonable proofs of residency.

The Platte County Senior Citizen Tax Credit Freeze is designed to give senior citizens who are homeowners in Platte County a tax credit on their property taxes. The tax credit essentially locks the tax amount of an eligible taxpayer's home in order to keep them from experiencing increases in their property taxes. (However, the State Blind Pension Fund is exempt as is any debt levy that a taxing jurisdiction passes.) The program is authorized under Senate Bill 190, which the Missouri Legislature passed and expanded under Senate Bill 756.

For more information, you may contact the Platte County Clerk at 415 Third St, Platte City MO 64079, or by telephone at 816-827-4075 or [email protected]

A Platte County homeowner applicant must be at least 62 years of age and own their primary residence in Platte County. (The ownership may be direct or beneficial, such as ownership through a trust.) They must be responsible for the payment of their home's property taxes.

Platte County intends to provide various public service announcements and reminders relating to the Senior Citizen Tax Credit. Platte County does not provide individual taxpayers with notice of the need to re-apply for the Senior Citizen Tax Credit. Each taxpayer desiring to receive the tax credit must remember to apply. Platte County encourages the use of a calendar reminder so that taxpayers do not miss the application deadline.

Who Should You Contact?

The assessed value of your real or personal property. If you need to change a name or address. If the wrong vehicles are listed on your statement. The legal description of real estate.

If you did not receive one or more tax statements. General questions concerning the collection process.