Platte County Public Works Department
Platte County Public Works Department
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Platte County
Public Works Department
15955 Highway 273
Platte City, MO 64079
Phone: (816) 858-2223

In this website, you'll find general and specific information regarding the Public Works Department structure, policies, & our work. We are working to get more information on the Internet, so please continue to check the site as we continue to develop our content.
The Platte County Department of Public Works continually strives to provide superior performance of infrastructure services to our citizens in order for them to enjoy an enhanced quality of life. We do this with integrity, courtesy and responsibility to the public and our environment.
The Department consists of four divisions responsible for a variety of activities. These include Capital Improvements, Road and Bridge Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance, and Administration.
Operations And Maintenance
Type : CommonServices
Capital Improvements
Type : CommonServices
Right of way Permits
Type : CommonServices
Road Districts And Cities
Type : CommonServices
Authorized Department
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