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Platte County Juvenile Office

Adoption Disclosure


Adoption Disclosure

Missouri Statutes define what information may be released from a closed adoption record and under what circumstances.  When the law allows, the Juvenile Court provides a means of contact between adult adoptees and birth parents.

Non-identifying information* regarding the biological parent may be obtained by applying to the court that finalized the adoption. *Non-identifying information is information concerning the physical description, nationality, religious background, and medical history of the biological parent or sibling.

An adult adoptee whom is 18 years of age or older may request identifying information about their biological parents.  The court then authorizes a confidential intermediary searcher to locate the biological parent to inform them of the adoptee’s request and to let them know they have the right to release information, maintain confidentiality, or perhaps update medical history information.  

Identifying information is only released in accordance with Missouri Law. 

Adoption Disclosure


Adoption Disclosure

Missouri Statutes define what information may be released from a closed adoption record and under what circumstances.  When the law allows, the Juvenile Court provides a means of contact between adult adoptees and birth parents.

Non-identifying information* regarding the biological parent may be obtained by applying to the court that finalized the adoption. *Non-identifying information is information concerning the physical description, nationality, religious background, and medical history of the biological parent or sibling.

An adult adoptee whom is 18 years of age or older may request identifying information about their biological parents.  The court then authorizes a confidential intermediary searcher to locate the biological parent to inform them of the adoptee’s request and to let them know they have the right to release information, maintain confidentiality, or perhaps update medical history information.  

Identifying information is only released in accordance with Missouri Law. 

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The best place to start is the county where your adoptive parents were residing during your adoption. Contact the juvenile court or the family court in that county. Also, contact the county located on your birth certificate.

You apply to the court that finalized the adoption. There are 45 circuits in Missouri. Generally, the circuit is where the birth occurred or where the adoptive parents were residing at the time of adoption.

Only upon written consent of the adult sibling can a court order such disclosure.

No, copies of amended birth certificates are held at the Missouri Department of Vital Records.


Adoption Info Request

Lineal Descendent Records Request


It is also highly recommended that you register with any reunion registry that is available. The following are two such registries

International Soundex Reunion Registry: It is a reputable free reunion registry and widely known. There is a good chance that your birth parent has registered here if they have begun a search for you. Any person that is part of a birth/adoption family may register.

State of Missouri Reunion Registry: This registry was developed several years ago through the Division of Family Services in Jefferson City, Missouri. It is becoming more widely known and the state law has recently accepted registrations from birth siblings as well as birth parents and adoptees.

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