Moving to Platte County From Another State Or County
Moving to Platte County From Another State Or County
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You have 30 days to obtain Missouri license plates and a Missouri driver's license.
You will need the title or registration to the vehicle, proof of insurance, a Missouri State Inspection Certificate, and a validated tax receipt from the Platte County Collector's office or a non-assessment clearance from the Platte County Assessor's office.
You can pay sales tax at any license bureau in the state of Missouri.
If you are a new resident, or have moved, you need to contact the Platte County Assessor's office so that an assessment sheet may be mailed to you. You must request this sheet before March 1 to avoid a penalty.
You will need the title or registration to the vehicle, proof of insurance, a Missouri State Inspection Certificate, and a copy of the tax receipt showing paid taxes from the county where you were a resident on January 1 of the previous year.
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