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Platte County Assessor's Office

Personal Property

The Assessor is required by Missouri Statutes to value all personal property owned on the first day of January each year. Personal property includes all motor vehicles, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, trailers, boats, boat motors, mobile homes, aircraft, farm machinery, livestock and grain, and boat docks. A Personal Property Assessment form is mailed to residents the first week of January each year. Forms must be completed and returned to the Assessor’s Office by March 1 to avoid late filing fees. (Download Assessment Form Instructions)

Personal Property

The Assessor is required by Missouri Statutes to value all personal property owned on the first day of January each year. Personal property includes all motor vehicles, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, trailers, boats, boat motors, mobile homes, aircraft, farm machinery, livestock and grain, and boat docks. A Personal Property Assessment form is mailed to residents the first week of January each year. Forms must be completed and returned to the Assessor’s Office by March 1 to avoid late filing fees. (Download Assessment Form Instructions)

Platte County Assessor's Office
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No, the assessor only values property.

You will need your two previous year's personal property tax receipts. If you were assessed in another Missouri county, you may need to contact that county for a previous year receipt. If you cannot locate your tax receipt for the appropriate year, please call the Platte County Collector's Office at (816) 858-3356 or visit the Platte County Collector's website.

Personal Property Assessment forms are mailed out the first week of January and are due to the Assessor's Office no later than March 1 to avoid late filing fees. For your convenience, you can file your assessment online at Simply enter the PIN number located on the front of your form to get started.

Assessment is the process of placing a value on property for the purpose of property taxation.

According to Missouri State Statute 137.075, "Persons owning or holding tangible personal property on the first day of January shall be liable for taxes." Personal property includes all motor vehicles, above ground pools, trailers, boats, boat motors, mobile homes, aircraft, farm machinery, livestock and grain, and boat docks.

Anyone who owns tangible personal property on January 1 must file a personal property assessment list with the Assessor's Office.

Active duty military applicants whose home of record is NOT Missouri are eligible for a tax waiver. To obtain a tax waiver, you must present your current Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), which indicates Missouri is NOT your home of record.

If you have taxable personal property in Platte County, you are required to report it to the Platte County Assessor. This is done by using the Personal Property Assessment form sent out by the Assessor's Office at the beginning of each year. The form lists the personal property you reported the previous year. It is your responsibility to return the form to the Assessor's Office by March 1 with any corrections and a list of any new personal property you owned on January 1.

The tax statement you receive in November will be incorrect. You will need to contact our office as soon as possible so we can make the appropriate changes as soon as possible.

If you do not receive an assessment form, please contact the Platte County Assessor's Office at (816) 858-3303 and a form will be provided to you.

Personal property is assessed every year and is calculated using original cost and then applying depreciation tables. Taxpayers are required by Missouri law to file their personal property after January 1 and before March 1. Personal Property Type % of Market Value Grain1/2 of 1% Livestock12% Farm Machinery12% Manufactured Homes19% Historic Aircraft & Vehicles5% Motor Vehicles33 1/3% All Other Personal Property33 1/3%

APPEAL STEPS: 1. Informal Hearing: If you feel the value of your personal property is incorrect, call the Platte County Assessor's office at 816-858-3310. 2. State Tax Commission: Under State Tax Commission rule 12 CSR 30-3.010(1)(B), if the assessment is an initial assessment or an increase over a previous assessment and the assessor failed to notify the taxpayer of the assessment in time to appeal to the board of equalization (BOE), then the taxpayer may file an appeal directly with the State Tax Commission no later than December 31st or within 30 days after the county mailed the tax statement, whichever date is later. Because STC notice to the collector may not arrive until after the taxpayer pays the taxes, the taxpayer should provide the collector a protest letter when paying the taxes.

A tax waiver indicates you do not owe any personal property taxes for a specified tax year. (View Tax Waiver Eligibility)

There are two places in Platte County where you can purchase your license tag, but you can get your tag at any license bureau in the state of Missouri. Here are the two locations in Platte County: 


6400 North Cosby Avenue 

Parkville, MO 64151 

(816) 584-8651 

Office Hours 

M-F: 8:30 - 6:00 

SAT: 8:30 - 12:30 

Platte City License Bureau

1211 Branch Street 

Platte City, MO 64079

(816) 858-5711 

Office Hours 

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00 

Sat: 8:30 - 12:00

You are taxed based on vehicles owned on January 1 of the tax year. Even if you no longer own the vehicles, and now own different vehicles or don't own any vehicles, you still pay taxes based on what you owned on the first day of the year.

Yes. Any vehicle titled in your name must be claimed regardless of condition.

If you bought your car after January 1 of this year, use last year's receipt. Property taxes are not owed on the new vehicle unless you owned it on January 1. If you did own the vehicle on January 1 of the previous year and it is not listed or is incorrect on your receipt or statement, please contact the Assessor's Office.

If you moved prior to January 1 of this year and your mail was forwarded, please update the Personal Property Assessment form with your new residence and the date you moved from Platte County. Sign and return the form to the Assessor's Office by March 1. If you moved after the 1st of January of this year, you are still responsible for the taxes on any personal property owned in Platte County on January 1. Under state law, there is no provision for prorating taxes for the partial year.

Yes. By state law, your tax obligation is established on January 1. Even if you move to a different state the next day, you are still responsible for the taxes on any personal property owned in Platte County on January 1. Unfortunately, the law makes no provision for prorating the tax bill.

The Platte County Collector mails tax bills each November. Real estate property tax must be paid by December 31 to avoid late payment fees. If you have questions about your property tax bill, please contact the Platte County Collector's Office at (816) 858-3356.

If you moved to Platte County on or before January 1 of this year, please notify the Assessor's Office to file your Personal Property Assessment form for the previous year. If you moved to the county after January 1 this year, please submit your new address to the Assessor's Office using the online Change of Address form.

Address Change

If you moved, please notify the Assessor’s Office by indicating your new address on the Personal Property Assessment form or by submitting your new address using the online Change of Address form.

Personal Property eFile

For your convenience, you can file your assessment online at Simply enter the PIN number located on the front of your form to get started.

Tax Waiver

A tax waiver indicates you do not owe any personal property taxes for a specified tax year. You may qualify for a tax waiver if you are one of the following:

image-asset personal.png

There is no fee for a tax waiver.

Proof of Residency

If you are a new or returning resident from another state, you need to provide proof of residency in another state in order to receive a tax waiver. The following items may be used as proof of residency:

1. Out-of-state driver's license that was issued in January of previous year or later.
2. Bank statement from January of the previous year.
3. Utility bill receipt from January of the previous year.
4. Insurance card that covers the date of January 1 of the previous year.
5. Paycheck stub from January of the previous year.
6. Rental/lease agreement covering January of the previous year.

Documents that will not be accepted: W-2, 1099, income statement, or any tax return papers.

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