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Platte County Commission Press Release 08-14-2024


8/14/2024 12:37:00 PM


August 14, 2024

Jail Expansion Vote

For the second time in five years, Platte County voters have said “no” to a proposed inmate detention

center expansion. In response to the election results, Presiding Commissioner Scott Fricker said, “So

where do we go from here? Back to the drawing board, that's where. Something needs to be done to

alleviate the jail's severe overcrowding situation and we’ll continue to search for a solution that works

for the people of Platte County.”

Sunshine Requests

Platte County recently received a very extensive Open Records Sunshine Request that deals with the

County’s jail expansion educational campaign. The County Administrator, the County Clerk, the IT

Department, and County Counsel are working to gather the requested information and have been

providing updates on the delivery of these requests as required by statute.

County Government Transparency

The County Commission has open work sessions generally every Monday starting at 9am. These

sessions are always open to the public and to other County office holders interested in discussing

county business. Unless otherwise noticed 24 hours in advance, these are the only times the

Commission meets. The Commission never meets in private unless discussing legal issues with counsel,

confidential employee issues, or facility security issues.

And to provide increased transparency to the public and to streamline the permitting process, the

County has updated its website and the Commission’s calendar is live with linked work session

agendas. Citizens are encouraged to utilize this new open system to see when the Commissioners are

meeting and the topics for discussion. All of the Commission’s resolutions and orders are available at under the County Clerk’s website. Citizens are encouraged to sign up for the

new alert system for timely email deliver of agendas, alerts, and job postings which provide reminders

and links to all County business.

Image Department Documents/Commission/News/Commission2.png
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