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Platte County Public Works Department

Operations & Maintenance

Operations & Maintenance

Platte County Public Works Department
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Roadway Blading & Grading 

Gravel road grading consists of using a motor grader or other specialized equipment to restore the driving surface and drainage attributes to gravel roads.  The equipment operator will remove corrugations (washboards), potholes and other irregularities by cutting the surface of the road or filling them with material moved back and forth across the road with a piece of road equipment. Motorists should exercise extreme caution when driving in the area of a grading operation.  Be patient, stay well behind the machinery and do not cross over any material that may be present.  Operators will move out of the way, but only when it is safe to do so.

The effectiveness of gravel road grading is dependent on a number of things, including the amount of moisture present in the road base, the current weather conditions and the speed of the traffic using the road.  The Platte County Dept. of Public Works schedules grading based on the volume of traffic using the gravel roads:

  • Gravel roads with high traffic volumes are graded every 7 to 10 days as conditions permit.
  • Gravel roads with lower traffic volumes are graded every 3 to 4 weeks as conditions permit.
  • Low usage roads are graded seasonally as conditions warrant.

The department realizes that grading a gravel road in the summer increases dust which is a nuisance.  If grading is not maintained routinely the maintenance costs increase dramatically during periods of foul weather. 

Grading schedule will be adjusted as determined by Public Works Management.


Department of Fleet Maintenance

Manages the maintenance of all county vehicles and equipment; striving to provide the most efficient operating equipment available and maintain all vehicles and equipment in a safe manner.  We maintain a parts inventory, and vehicle history records. Fuel and repair costs are charged to the departments based upon actual usage.
Daily Functions 

  1. Plan, organize and direct the repair and maintenance activities of the County shop.
  2. Manage the type and extent of repairs, and prepares cost estimates accordingly.
  3. Maintains and monitors work progress using data base program; tracks time, prepares daily and weekly time cards to ensure proper billing of services; reviews and completes monthly work orders.
  4. Confers with County departments to discuss repair and maintenance issues and projects, analyze requests for most efficient and cost effective method.
  5. Examines all vehicles and equipment to ensure all are operating safely.
  6. Meets with vendors, purchases and maintains an inventory of parts, materials and supplies; monitors budget expenditures and makes recommendations for future budgeting.
  7. Contracts out work as necessary, monitors work of contractors through completion.

Emergency Management

Department of Public Works coordinates emergency response efforts with the Emergency Management division of the Platte County Sheriff’s Department and other local agencies. We are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Vegetation Management

Platte County citizens are blessed to live in a beautiful area with rolling hills and filled with an abundance of beautiful trees.  As good stewards of our environment and transportation system, we must manage roadside vegetation.  Overgrown trees and shrubs along roadways contribute to: vehicle accidents due to reduced visibility; increased maintenance costs of road surfaces and shaded areas do not allow the sun to dry wet surfaces or thaw out icy roads.  Therefore, we require a 14 ft vertical clearance over the road and brush must be trimmed back to the edge of right-of-way.

If you receive a green "Trimming Notice", the DPW is requesting that you make the necessary trimming of the trees, shrubs, mowing, etc. in order to conform to the item checked on the notice.  This action needs to take place within the next 10 days.  For the tree(s) on your property, if you would like to trim them yourself, please do so within the 10 day period.  If not, county employees will perform the work within the public right-of-way.  You do not need to call and give permission for the trees to be trimmed, brush removed or areas mowed.


If the County crews trim your tree(s), there will be no cost to the resident.  The county will be using heavy equipment to cut brush and mow; this equipment often leaves a frayed edge along tree limbs and brush.
We often need to remove entire trees and carefully evaluate each tree.  Residents may remove the trees themselves as stated in the “Trimming Notice”. However, if the Public Works office is not contacted within the 10 days, crews will remove them.  The Public Works Department will make a reasonable effort to minimize lawn disturbance.

Winter Weather Procedures

Platte County Department of Public Works strives to provide snow and ice removal in a timely manner to facilitate safe traffic flow.

The time required to clear snow and ice from roads varies depending on multiple conditions, including:

  • Snowstorm intensity
  • Snowstorm duration
  • Temperature
  • Traffic conditions
  • Time of day

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When the winter season is upon us, we remind our residents about several issues.

  • Be patient. Be assured that during a snowstorm every reasonable effort will be made to keep roadways open. During a major snowstorm, all available personnel and snow removal equipment will be on the road.
  • Do not attempt to stop a snowplow or obstruct its path. Plows must maintain speed for maximum efficiency.
  • When approaching snow removal equipment from the rear, travel a minimum of 200 feet behind allowing for scattering of sand/salt and abrupt movements.
  • Use extreme caution when passing snow removal equipment. Before you pass please honk your horn and/or flash your headlights to alert the operator you intend to pass.

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  • It is discourteous to blow or push snow into any county street. This creates a danger to all travelers. This is especially true after the snow plows have passed through your neighborhood.
  • Parking is not allowed on county streets. If you are unable to get your vehicle off the street, it is your responsibility to notify the Department of Public Works.
  • After the plows have been through the neighborhood, the homeowner is responsible to clear the area in front of their mailbox to ensure delivery of mail and clear their driveway.
  • Our operators often work long hours under trying conditions. They appreciate courteous and friendly drivers. Please help them to help you.

During winter, the freeze/thaw effects on pavement can rapidly form potholes. Crews will be dispatched as quickly as possible to repair potholes. Temporary materials must be used during winter and may not endure.

Bridge Inspections

The Federal Highway Administration requires all bridges over 20 feet in length be inspected every two years. The county inspects all bridges in the unincorporated areas of the county and inside city limits (*excluding Kansas City) in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) every two years.  *MoDOT works directly with KCMO for bridge inspections.

The individual inspection reports present ratings for the condition and appraisal of various components of the bridge (once Snow/Ice has melted).

Areas of Inspection

  • Deck
  • Superstructure
  • Culverts
  • Channel Waterway
  • Adequacy Approach
  • Alignment
  • Scour Critical Bridge
  • Substructure (foundations)

The inspection reports also contain notes justifying the various ratings with additional comments and recommendations for repairs and maintenance to the bridge structure.

These inspections are intended only to provide an inventory of conditions and a professional opinion regarding the ability of the structure to continue to provide an acceptable level or service to the citizens of Platte County.

Platte County’s last biennial bridge inspection was performed in May of 2020. The inspection reports are available for review at the Platte County Public Works office.

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