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Platte County Commission Press Release 09-03-24 part 1


9/3/2024 10:32:00 AM


September 3, 2024

Notable Commission Actions – September 3rd, 2024

The Commission approved a cooperative agreement (2024-CO-154) between Platte County and Platte City that has each party funding half of the $50,000 local match required as part of a $135,000 federal planning grant that was recently awarded to the City and County. The grant will be used to fund the Historic Downtown Platte City and Courthouse Square Planning Sustainable Places Study. County Administrator Wes Minder and Interim City Manager DJ Gehrt worked together on the application which was recently submitted to the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). Regarding the study and hopeful outcome, Minder commented that, “This planning grant has the potential to lead to transformative changes in downtown Platte City and is part of the County’s efforts to affect positive change here in Platte City.”

The Commission approved another similar cooperative agreement (2024-CO-156) with the City of Parkville that commits to the County to funding $500,000, or approximately one-third of the total cost, of a study required to complete Route 9 improvements near downtown Parkville. The City received a state and federal block grant of $4,987,950 from MARC to fund the project, but this study must be complete before the project can move forward. First District Commissioner Dagmar Wood supported passing the agreement stating, “I’m very happy to be supporting this project for 9 Hwy… and this project is a long time coming.”

Image Department Documents/Commission/News/Commission2.png
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